Suika san english translation (Previos)

The story of why my english translation of this story has been delayed happened 2 months after the Japanese raw was released and 1 month after I released the spanish translation .......

after I released the spanish translation of Suika San, many people complained and kept saying that Suika was the same as all the other netorares, in the best case many people realized that it was more a rape manga than a netorare, and being dissatisfied that no one could enjoy or understand the true nature I took the task of making a video explaining each of the most important parts of this story..... the main problem with is that being someone who is dedicated to write more than to narrate videos it was taking me a lot of time to narrate the video and since it lasts almost 21 minutes the problem was even more complicated ...... I know probably the English public doesn't care about these details, but for a translator, to see that nobody saw the same details as the project in which I invested more than a month of time to translate the 3 chapters trying to correct small errors in the English version is something frustrating ..... so I apologize for that.

In the middle of making this video, I got Covid again for the 3rd time, this time, more than a cough or cold I had pain and general tiredness that had me working like a zombie for half a week, and a week in bed and I was barely checking comments in nhentai, let alone checking raws in my usual sites, and watching some of them I saw that there were still people waiting for the translation of Suika San, which by this time I sincerely hoped that it had already been released by an English translation group, but I guess that just as it happened with the Spanish public, it didn't attract attention because of the prejudice of a "bad" story or that the scenes were not erotic enough to attract attention..... ... pretexts of people who just want to masturbate with anything and don't read the stories .....

Anyway, I will try to keep the project alive again, although with my backlogs in spanish like Zombie no Afureta and Kiosei tensei, this last one that seems to be about to reach its climax in japan, as well as my normal work, I don't know how much I can advance, since the main problem with this project is the length of the dialogues that many times made me think of Suika San more like a novel than a manga, besides I still don't have much confidence in translating into English, one thing is to understand it and another thing is to write trying to follow the grammatical rules. ...besides the jokes and slags that I still don't know how to translate into English without them sounding so simple..... I'll try not to disappoint anyone and to be able to bring this story to more people.

In this post I will try to upload some progress of the project, although I repeat do not expect great progress, at least today in 5 hours I could only translate 10 pages ..... finding the right words is not always easy and even less in another language, plus I'm trying a new translation method, so have a little patience..... well this time it was quite long introduction, so let's leave aside my mental fucks and enjoy a preview of Suika San to English....... any correction I'm ready to make it.

and last but not least, if you like my work, any donation to Ko fi or Paypal will be appreciated and may motivate me to dedicate more time to this project. "winking"