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As I had only read the reddit thread, I did not think of doing a quick translation, but with free time I dedicated myself to see how bad the situation was, being even worse than I imagined
The first story tells us how the rumor goes that Mei is no longer a virgin and a boy decides that she will not rest until he can make her his. While he is bothering her, she Mei tries to propose to the team captain but he rejects her saying that she already has someone she likes. This depresses her and she leaves her thinking about how frustrated she feels for having misinterpreted the captain's attitude of her by praising her and mistaking it for love.
Then the other boy appears revealing that he had been spying on her confession and after this he begins to comfort her and try to have sex with her. Although at first she refuses, she thinks that it does not matter to do it with hers even if she does not like this boy since she has already been rejected by the captain anyway. The boy stimulates her and tells her about the rumors that run about her, although her innocent attitude makes him believe that she is still a virgin.
However at one point she confesses that she is no longer a virgin and that she probably does not like doing it with her because she has been "expanded inside" implying that probably another boy rejected her for this and that this boy's penis is much smaller than the previous Mc's brother
However, this boy does not seem to care about this, he continues to have sex while Mei mentions in her head that she "stopped hurting" probably the rejection of the captain
This story ends with the boy bragging in the locker room that he had sex with Mei and that her body is the best, and that for that reason he had decided that he would make her his, and mocks that this is something that friends of him they could not do. the final image would make us believe that this would possibly force Mei to have sex with her friends or even prostitute her.
In the second story, a new Mc the new Mc is declared to Asahi and she rejects him saying that she always ends up hurting her friends. Then she tells him about a friend who was the older brother of the former president of the student council whom she consulted on various issues and that when she felt like "floating" because of the attention that the president gave her, and that for that reason he did not It was important to exclude his friend from the group and say horrible things to him that caused him to change school.
The new Mc consoles her and tells her that he had also been madly in love with a sempai who never paid attention to him. When Asahi asked him what happened to her, the new MC told him that nothing happened, but that it didn't have to be a reason for him to change schools. (Obviously we know the kind of person Asahi is and I doubt very much that she could even endure one day of what the previous Mc suffered)
After this Asahi answers: These words calm my heart ... and without saying anything else she kisses him
After she kisses they begin to joke and she asks him if he is not bothered by girls who like to do perverted things and Mc says no, but tells her that it is better that they go to her house since they could be discovered at school.
When they are finally alone and the new Mc shows her a condom, she pretends to be surprised and tells him that it is the first time he has seen one and the naive Mc assumes that Asahi is still a virgin like him and it is the first time of both. . (without knowing what orgies he has done) ......
Asahi tries to pretend that she is still a virgin girl and the Mc by believing in it and treats her delicately, which obviously makes Asahi despair and makes her feel dissatisfied (see page 50 to see her expression). she tells him that he doesn't need to hold back and can do it fast and strong .....
The new Mc still had not finished assimilating having had sex when Asahi when she tells him that she is going to clean it and gives him a fellatio with a rather lewd face which causes a strange feeling to Mc and he asks him how he knows how to do those things, it is then that she regains her composure and says it was because her friend Mei taught her and she asks if that is wrong ... but the guy says it was amazing and that he loved it.
In the end, in his mind, the new Mc recognizes that he cheated on Asahi, since in reality he transferred from school to having been rejected by his sempai, but thanks to this he found a beautiful girlfriend ...
Although he doesn't tell us that he happened to the brothers, we can guess that probably after the brother left, they got bored with the girls and broke up with them. and that is the reason why Asahi is desperate to have sex with anyone and for that reason she adopted that mask of being a virgin, since she did not tell the new one Mc who became the girlfriend of the brother of the previous Mc.
Although Asahi mentions that she realized the mistake she made with the previous Mc, this is probably also a lie to seduce the new Mc and he feels sorry for her, like the fact of feeling relieved to hear his words, I think that even she must have realized that the boy lied about the story of the new Mc, after all why would someone transfer in his final year?
As I mentioned before, Asahi's urgent need to have sex gives us to understand that the brothers broke up with them and probably even the friendship between Mei and Asahi ended, the fact that Asahi speaks as if they were only together because of group activities.
A detail that is not very clear, is that despite the fact that the title says that Mei's story is from before the events of the central story, it remains in doubt how true this is, since the physiognomy of the boy who listens to the The conversation is more similar to the new Mc than the old one, it must be remembered that the previous one had freckles on his face. Another fact is that the new Mc has reacted immediately to Mei's name when Asahi mentioned it, this leaves many doubts since at the Being new to that school the only way he would have related Mei's name is that he would have heard the conversation of the boys in the dressing room since he did not know that Asahi and they had a relationship, which confirms that it is a fact that they both ended distanced after what happened with the brothers ......
In any case, if it were really the previous Mc, this would show that despite the rumors he was the only one who was by his side and even so he decided to betray him with his brother
Another detail that is not very clear is everyone in the school knows what Asahi really is. Let's remember that the brother was the previous president of the student council, so he could have spread rumors that Asahi would be a whore and for that reason nobody wants to relate to her and that is why she would be so urged to have sex even with a naive virgin, although it is also strange that now she is the president of the student council despite this having happened ..... it is difficult to know if there will be a new chapter that tells us what happened, since personally I think this is A good ending despite not making things clear, and an ending where everything that happened later is shown would leave many unsatisfied if the girls are still happy, because although this ending seems happy, it raises the doubt that the girls really they won't be in the end.
In summary, this chapter would come to say that the girls at the end, after having ignored the warnings that Mc made them about their brothers, had what they deserved by having been rejected.
We don't really know what happened to Mei, but we do know that Asahi ended up isolated from the brothers and Mei and with a an inexperienced virgin who won't be able to satisfy her, and the only way she can get turned on is by taking the inactive one and acting like the previous Mc's brother trained her ......
They could have been happy if they had not betrayed and treated badly the Mc who always wanted to help them and in the end it seems that both ended up estranged and with someone who does not satisfy them (it is seen that the size of the new Mc cock is much smaller than that of the brothers) ..... in the end the Mc this had a very great power that he could never enjoy .....
Update.- 25-01-2021
Yesterday while testing a new OCR for the laptop, I noticed that I still had the raw of Boku dake and I decided to use some pages to test the performance of the new OCR and oh surprise I discovered that Kido appeared from the second page of this chapter, which changes again the perspective, at least with respect to Kido was an innocent victim and reinforces again the worst of the 3 main characters.
First, it reinforces the idea of how stupid and naive Asahi and Mei are for letting themselves be fooled.
Secondly, after re-reading the last conversation between Kido and Asahi in chapter 2, I had come to the conclusion that Kido probably admired them in a "non-sexual way" and this scene proves that Kido also wanted to cheated himself about Mei's and refused to believe that Mei could really have sexual desires.
Third - Both chapters show us how pathetic and cowardly Kido was in both cases, with Mei in the past and Asahi in the present, and that he always had the opportunity to have sex with both of them, but he wasted his chance because of his "unhealthy" admiration for them, which made him blind to the girls' sexual desires.
Finally, this page would make us see that possibly Mei had been waiting for Kido, like all the other guys to take advantage of her, but that she was probably disillusioned in him for not having taken the opportunity to have sex with her, for this reason is that when the girls go to Kido's house, Mei makes fun that Kido did not have the courage to "have sex with them", a little disillusioned and perhaps disappointed that Kido did not have the courage to "have sex with them", but that he did not have the courage to have sex with them. ,
probably this expression was not only because she was frustrated, but also because she expected that maybe in the end Kido would decide to have sex with one of them, which did not happen because of the cowardly attitude, Kido gained the " disdain " of the girls and would end up triggering them to give themselves easily to their brothers ...
In short, Kido becomes the villain of the story and he gained that he was cheated by the girls by wasted a lot of times in which he could have had sex at least with Mei, as shown in his chapter in which Kido could have been the one who could have taken advantage of Mei's deception when she was rejected by the captain, and even much earlier than this event.
and last but not least, if you like my work, any donation to Ko fi or Paypal will be appreciated and may motivate me to dedicate more time to this project. "winking"
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